Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Wearing a piece of shawl to cover all of your hair,
its not to hide your beauty

you can keep shining
without show them your body

because all people can see 
is only your sweet heart

beauty that create with just physic
is just an illussion

because day by day
your body will getting older
and there are only your kindness
that makes people respect about you

need a long time for me to realized it
i always wonder, why i'm so stubborn
to keep my childish's thought
'' I want to wear that short dress''
''This clothes is so cute''
''Aww that skirt is just sweet''

But now i can find my happiness
you can find that all of people respect about you
by wearing shawl
you can find the real friend by wearing shawl
you can find your true love by wearing shawl

your dad can be proud of you because you're wearing shawl
your mom can be happy for you because you wearing shawl
your never be exact the same with your two years younger sister because you're wearing shawl
and your brother can hold his foolish act because you're wearing shawl

Wearing a shawl, is the most important thing that i decided by my self
my mom never force me to wear this, nor my best friend, nor my teacher
but, i'm feeling so sad, why i need a long time to realize that
and now i'm trying my best to keep it right

thanks to all of my friends in architecture
they're feeling happy for me, even clap their hands when i enter the class
and with all of their question, and their 'cant-believe-this' face
even my non-Islam friends, they can feel my happiness and congratulate me
that moment never can be delete from my mind
with all of your critics, i'm thanking you, i really mean it
sorry for my 'not-so-long-Tshirt's' and my tight pants
I'll buy many of long skirts and long dresses hhaa

at first, it just an accident when i wearing this hijab
i still remember, that day is friday, when we attended religion class
i'm still remember all of my friends' shocked face
and when they say that i'm prettier by wearing jilbab *hahaa*
since that, every friday i tried to wearing jilbab again
and day by day, i always impatient to show them my friday fashion

I know wearing jilbab is not small problem
its not about fashion and trend
its not because people say you better wearing this so that you can wear jilbab everytime you want
No, not about that

wearing jilbab is identity of Islam's beauty
not only covering all of my body
but i have to fix my worship to Allah
I want to tried my best, so keep supporting me, my friends :D

and I never enough to saying this:

Thanks God, you show me your way


  1. Keren :) Semangat me!

    Ketika kita tahu ttg kewajiban ini, maka pilihannya bukan mau atau tidak lagi. Tapi menjalaninya sepenuh hati :)

  2. you can find your true love by wearing shawl =))

    "your dad can be proud of you because you're wearing shawl
    your mom can be happy for you because you wearing shawl
    your never be exact the same with your two years younger sister because you're wearing shawl
    and your brother can hold his foolish act because you're wearing shawl"
    ^curhat detected.
    itu mah bukan "your" XD


  3. @fath : iyaa makasiih faath :*
    Hahaa entah kenapa aku nangis lihat pos ini lagi, antara seneng dapet dukungan dari temen-temen dan takut aku ga bisa istiqomah. Otomatis aku dapet identitas baru dan aku takut ga bisa mempertanggungjawabkannya. Mungkin karena adaptasi ya? Doain yaa mudah-mudahan ga oleng-oleng hhee
    Untuk memulai susah ya, tapi untuk mempertahankannya ternyata lebih susah lagi.
    Tapi kalo inget temen-temen lain bisa bertahan, kenapa aku nggak? ya kan? hhee

  4. @shipooo
    hahaaa eh gw jalan sama adek gw padahal gw pake jilbab, masih dikira kembar coba sama ibu-ibu warung -__-

    ayooook cari rook hhahaa
    makanya cepet balik siniih hhahaa

  5. Hohoho begitu ya rasanya.. Ak soalnya pake jilbab dari sd me, jadi gatau rasanya "baru memakai".

    Semangat lah, karena inti dari semangat adalah konsisten :)

  6. Iya gitulah hhaa

    kadang masih ada sih rasa pengen nyobain dress atau kostum-kostum, pengen kasih liat model rambut yang baru dipotong, atau pakai bando lucu yang baru dibeli. Atau takut kelihatan lebih tembem kalo pake jilbab, atau takut kelihatan lebih tua karena banyak pola pikir yang bilang kalo jilbab buat ibu-ibu doang.

    ada juga yang takut diledekin alim dan karenanya jadi takut terlihat 'gila' dan sulit menjadi diri sendiri

    atau sebaliknya, takut diledekin kerdus, pakai jilbab cuma setiap hari jumat karna ada pelajaran agama dan jadi alibi buat dapet nilai bagus

    Tapi kok aku mikirnya jadi bocah banget rasanya kalau tetep mempertahankan itu -__-

    aku rasa karena kebanyakan mikirin pendapat orang dan ga siap dengan reaksi mereka makanya terus aku undur
    Tapi trus aku mikir, kalo ga sekarang, mau kapan lagi?

    sebenernya pun aku kurang suka dengan banyaknya pertanyaan "beneran nih skarang?" atau reaksi yang berlebih dengan aku pake jilbab

    Untungnya keluargaku ga pernah bertanya apa-apa kayak : "kok tiba2 pake sih?" "kamu mau kemana pake jlbab?" dll
    itu malah membuatku nyaman dan ga sungkan buat memulai

  7. Like like like :)


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