tebaaak aku yang mana :3
Thursday, September 29, 2011
when all of your words can't show their magic,
what can I do to cheer up? :(
Mumbling nonsense
Bad Day
Oh, believe me,
its really a good day,
its a good day
its really a good day,
its a good day
Daily Random,
Mumbling nonsense
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming...
I've been dreaming
About a place
Where I can watch you smile
As you let sunlight hit your face
Sing if you're happy
Cry if you're blue
Eat if you're hungry
Love if you're true
But baby there's heartache
Forming this world
Something has gotten a hold of us
And baby we all hurt
We all try to fight it
Sometimes we win
As long as you're dreaming
You're not giving in
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
All around the world now
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
All around the world now
We all have been wondering
If there's a plan
Cos sometimes I find that cruelty
To crooks will understand
Honey we're dreaming
But that's not a crime
The rules will be held when
We're passing the time
Tell me a story
I'll sing you a song
Let's make them be about a place
Where people can belong
Baby there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To bring them to life and
To make them come true
All around the world now
All around the world now
I've been dreaming
About a place
Where I can watch you smile
As you let sunlight hit your face
When nothing can get to
People apart
A place where it's cool to
Open your heart
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
I've been dreaming
About a place
Where I can watch you smile
As you let sunlight hit your face
Sing if you're happy
Cry if you're blue
Eat if you're hungry
Love if you're true
But baby there's heartache
Forming this world
Something has gotten a hold of us
And baby we all hurt
We all try to fight it
Sometimes we win
As long as you're dreaming
You're not giving in
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
All around the world now
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
All around the world now
We all have been wondering
If there's a plan
Cos sometimes I find that cruelty
To crooks will understand
Honey we're dreaming
But that's not a crime
The rules will be held when
We're passing the time
Tell me a story
I'll sing you a song
Let's make them be about a place
Where people can belong
Baby there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To bring them to life and
To make them come true
All around the world now
All around the world now
I've been dreaming
About a place
Where I can watch you smile
As you let sunlight hit your face
When nothing can get to
People apart
A place where it's cool to
Open your heart
Dreaming... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All around the world now
Frankie and Calvin - Dreaming
Songs and Lyrics
Yaai I met HoneyBeat yesterday :D
HoneyBeat is an Indonesia's Indie band with Japanese jazzy genre
Their music is so cute <3 and their shows is amazing :O
And lucky me, surprisingly they perform at the place where me and my friends had our first dance perform
This is several times I see their live performance.
And because I don't know they will perform, I got hyper and ask my friend to take my photo with them
Tika, one of vocalist, is so nice and I have a nervous chit chat with her hhahaha -__-;
Sadly i haven't buy their CD, their songs are so good and their voices are so smooth and cute~
Hemm.. if you know Mocca, their music is similar but they add Japanese atmospher
That is why~~~ I like to hear their songs <3
Next time, I definitely buy their CD~~
Nee HiBi, ganbatte nee~~ you guys are so cool XDD
Daily Random,
First Perform
Nyauu sorry I'm too lazy to write in english
So, i will use bahasa this time~
Yaaaai hari ini BKST, yaitu wadah seni yang ada di Fakultas Teknik, tampil pertama kali untuk angkatan 2010nya. Setelah setaun latian trus sempet vakum 3 bulan gara-gara libur semester, akhirnya kita jor-joran latihan seminggu full buat tampil bagus di hari sabtunya.
Alhamdulillah bisa nari lagi, bisa bebas bergerak lagi, bisa tampil lagi didepan umum, dan yang paling penting, bisa tampil cantik lagi! hhahahaaa~~
Hemm ketika tampil tadi, rasanya udah lupa gimana rasanya berdiri di depan orang ramai. Ketika semua mata tertuju ke kita, apa yang akan kita lakukan, apa yang ingin kita tampilkan, apa yang ingin kita sampaikan, semuanya membutuhkan keberanian. Keberanian, rasanya itu yang hilang dari diriku selama ini. Rasanya udah lama ketika aku selalu mengacungkan tangan ketika ditanya, ketika ingin bertanya, ketika mengajukan pendapat tanpa ragu dan takut salah. Kenapa aku takut salah? Kenapa aku yang sekarang sering ragu? Apakah aku takut dianggap bodoh ketika menanyakan sesuatu yang aku tidak tahu? Apakah aku pesimis pendapatku akan diterima maka aku menjadi ragu? Apakah isi otakku terlalu berantakan sehingga aku kurang dapat mengutarakan pendapat dan argumenku dengan baik dan tepat sasaran? Apakah aku kurang berlatih dan berusaha? Apakah itu karena aku merasa telah berada di zona nyaman karena selalu berada di belakang dan tak pernah terlihat? Lalu apa yang harus aku lakukan?
Berada di depan khalayak ramai tadi, tentunya aku punya maksud dan tujuanku sendiri. Ketika menari, aku ingin semua orang diam dan melihat bagaimana tari tradisional masih menjadi hiburan yang menakjubkan. Aku ingin mereka terpukau dengan kesenian ini dan merasa bangga mereka memiliki kesenian tradisional sebagai pusaka bangsa. Aku ingin membudayakannya dan mengajak orang lain melakukan hal yang sama. Aku ingin hobiku tak hanya berguna untuk diriku sendiri, tapi juga untuk orang lain.
Lalu, sebenarnya inti dari keberanian itu apa?
Ketika kita memiliki suatu maksud dan tujuan yang pasti, maka tak ada keraguan didalam hati untuk membagikannya ke orang lain. Jika kita yakin bahwa yang kita utarakan akan membawa dampak yang baik, mengapa tidak kita keluarkan saja? Mungkin Allah akan memberi bermacam rintangan dan cobaan serta musibah, namun itu akan membuat kita semakin kuat. Sebuah pendapat atau ide yang cemerlang tidak akan terlihat jika tidak diwujudkan. Maka itu, cobalah dahulu, berani mengambil resiko, mintalah Allah untuk selalu mendampingi kita menghadapi segala rintangan, dan berusaha sampai akhir. Maka kita akan melihat buah dari keberanian mencoba di awal, akan terasa manis nantinya.
Ketika menulis ini, memori di otakku berkelebat saling berebutan untuk ku ingat. Mengapa aku menjadi diriku yang sekarang? Apakah aku telah mempraktekkan keberanian itu dengan baik? Apakah aku masih menjadi orang yang takut mengambil resiko? Apakah keberanian itu dapat menuntunku ke pilihan-pilihan yang lebih baik?
Masih belum, masih belum cukup. Aku masih jauh-jauh-jauh jauh dari apa yang disebut dengan ''orang yang telah berusaha dengan keras" Aku masih belum ada apa-apanya, masih cere,cupu. Tapi aku akan berusaha keras, lebih keras, lebih-lebih keras dari sebelumnya, tak terbatas. Karena aku tahu, dunia ini sangat kejam dan penuh intrik. Untuk dapat bertahan, manusia bekerja keras dan berani mengambil resiko.
Ayo, ayo, Lia! semangaaat!!
Mumbling nonsense
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
When I was a child
If I pleaded to my grandmother
Sometimes she’d let me stay up late
This makes my heart race the same way
Becoming an adult
Wasn’t a misunderstanding
But I’m sure I remember it
It has the same flavor as it did back then
If I pleaded to my grandmother
Sometimes she’d let me stay up late
This makes my heart race the same way
Becoming an adult
Wasn’t a misunderstanding
But I’m sure I remember it
It has the same flavor as it did back then
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
My cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
My cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
My cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
My cherry, cherry, cherry bon-bon
Cherry bon-bon
I wonder if I hear
Even the songs I listened to as a kid
In a whole different way now?
I’ll make my dust-covered CD player
Into a time machine
And take back my feelings
I’m sure I remember it
It has the same flavor as it did back then
Even the songs I listened to as a kid
In a whole different way now?
I’ll make my dust-covered CD player
Into a time machine
And take back my feelings
I’m sure I remember it
It has the same flavor as it did back then
I’ll get in a time machine
The feelings from back then
The dreams I had back then
I’ll remember them, cherry bon-bon…
The feelings from back then
The dreams I had back then
I’ll remember them, cherry bon-bon…
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Cherry bonbon
Songs and Lyrics
Pout (•˘3˘•)
I gives you a pout just to hide my smile
I gives you a pout just to make sure that I'm not crying
Always trying to escape, so you'll never know what i feel
But I'm not run away
Giving you my attention secretly is my mission
It's so much fun, just like playing hide and seek
Mumbling nonsense
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