Saturday, December 13, 2014

White Forest Accessories

Ame here~

After busy with papers, I want to show you my handmade accessories.
Recently I take interest in Mori Girl couture and maybe later I will try to sew some clothes that inspired by nature.
Before that, here it is the easiest way to create your own necklace, choker, brooch, even PeterPan collar!

You don't have to sew something, you just need:

  • Lace with different size
  • Chain
  • Hook for jewelry 
  • Charm 

Try to be creative with flower brooch, charms, and beads~

Here is mine~

 One full set of handmade white forest accessories~

Bunny Taxodermy Wall Hanging

Ame again here~

This time I want to share something other than sewing~

I love papercraft, and there are many of papercraft projects that I want to finish.
While searching for interior decoration for my room, I found this incredibly artsy folded taxodermy. Actually, there are many kind of the taxodermies, but I found bunny head and deer head is the cutest of all.

 If you want to do it by yourself, here are some links to the paper pattern.You can just print it on A3 paper.

Bunny Head

Deer Head

This is mine~~

Cuutee isn't it?

Bunny Silhouette Doll


This time I want to share one of my last creation~
I like bunny and want to decorate my room with some of bunny doll
But doll seems too expensive these day...

Then I found cute silhouette bunny doll in Itazura na Kiss drama, the one in Kotoko's room

Cute, yet simple~

All you have to do is~
drawing bunny silhouette pattern in your fabrics~
There are a lot of bunny silhouette that you can print and draw..
Just check it in pinterest

After drawing it, double the fabrics and cut it.
Then, sewing it and fill it with dacron~

Tadaaaaa~ you have a cute Bunny Silhouette Doll~

Let's see with the other pattern later~~

Seee ya!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Satu Bulan Terakhir


Penghujung tahun,
Bulan terakhir,
Sebelum saya menyadari saya telah menghabiskan satu tahun.
Satu tahun yang saya belum tahu, saya telah bertumbuh atau belum

Tahun ini banyak kejadian yang mengesankan,
Sekaligus yang paling membingungkan bagi saya.
Belum pernah saya mengalami disorientasi,
Galau dengan hal yang bahkan tidak jelas bentuknya

Saya lulus tahun ini.
Alhamdulillah... Allah kasih banyak pelajaran untuk saya sebelum lulus.
Beberapa saya tulis, lebih banyak lagi yang belum saya ceritakan.

Saya melewati berbagai pengalaman seru,
yang meskipun masih belum cukup puas dengan hasilnya.
Melalui beragam lomba dan sayembara,
Menghadiri seminar nasional-internasional,
Ikutan kegiatan sebagai relawan,
Bisa icip bekerja di galeri dan teater yang paling saya suka di Jakarta
Bertemu idola saya dan memberinya buku.
Tapi, saya masih belum,
Merasa masih belum mampu memberikan yang terbaik dari saya di tahun ini.

Memang saya yang belum, atau saya masih kurang bersyukur?

Penghujung tahun ini yang sebenarnya masih membuat saya bingung.
Ketika teman-teman sedang membanggakan hasil kerja mereka,
Membanggakan apa yang bisa mereka ciptakan,
Sementara saya masih belum bisa apa-apa.
Saya yang masih lamban atau kurang bersabar?

Satu hal lagi yang membuat saya takut.
Sebenarnya saat ini adalah sebuah persimpangan.
Setelah beririsan jalan dengan orang lain yang kini saya anggap sahabat,
saya jadi takut, saya tak bisa kembali membagi waktu dengan mereka.
Satu persatu mulai menjajaki hidup masing-masing,
Mencoba untuk berpisah lalu bertumbuh

"Inilah sudah saatnya kamu menjadi dewasa!"
Benakku berkata.

"Pilihanmu banyak, tinggal kau pilih, atau kau jalani satu persatu"

"Bukankah kebebasan memilih jalan hidupmu inilah yang selalu kau mau?"

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hello Dear,

Instead of being a follower,
Why don't you find your own path?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Join Kelas Inspirasi Lagi!

First Time Designing Highrise Building

I know the render is really... sucks hhaa
But I'm enjoying the process by the way hhoo~~
Still have to think deeper.. do I have to be an interior architect? Well I like designing something but I like the little, mini creature design.. That is why this is my first time designing the gigantic creature like mall and apartment hhaa~

I will tell the concept later hhaa

My Cute Sewing Machine

Finally I have a sewing machine for doing some simple craft. This is a really good stuff for a beginner. Just spending about 5 hundred thousand rupiahs (about $50) for this mini sewing machine~

 And some of detail in my working desk~


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is This Lovely Feeling Really Exist?

The weather is frightening.
The thunder and lightning
Seem to be having their way.
But as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day.
The turn in the weather
Will keep us together
So I can honestly say,
That as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day
And everything's okay.

Isn't this a lovely day to be caught in the rain.
You were going on your way, now you've got to remain.

Just as you were going, leaving me all at sea,
The clouds broke, they broke and oh what a break for me.

I can see the sun up high, though we're caught in a storm.
I can see where you and I could be cozy and warm.

Let the rain pitter patter
But it really doesn't matter
If the skies are gray.
Long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day.

PS: well, I really miss the feeling of loving someone.
... Is that right this kind of lovely feeling really exist?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Memahami Diri melalui Teater Tari

"Ketika kau sedih...
Jejak ingatan di dalam korteks inferior orbito-frontal lateral mengaktifkan secara ideogenetis proyeksi berulang lewat ganglia basal menuju nukleus salivator superior memacu neukron lakrimator sfenopalatn kolinergik"

"Ketika kau bahagia...
Sirkuit yang memberi rasa positif yang terdiri dari korteks prefontal, korteks singulum anterior, dan area tegmentum ventral menghasilkan perasaan baik. Sirkuit tambahan berbentuk piramida mengkontraksi laring, glotis dan diafragma untuk membentuk senyummu yang tanpa sengaja"

Pertunjukkan tadi malam di Salihara merupakan salah satu pertunjukkan yang saya suka. Ialah Australian Dance Theatre, yang di sutradarai oleh Garry Stewart membawakan tari-teater berjudul "Be Your Self". Pertunjukkan selama 1 jam ini kompleks karena di dalamnya banyak pesan-pesan tersirat tentang ajaran Budisme, feminisme, serta kejadian-kejadian ilmiah yang terjadi dalam tubuh manusia. Sebenarnya yang Garry Stewart ingin sampaikan adalah bagaimana manusia dapat memahami diri mereka sendiri sebagai satu kesatuan yang utuh. Tubuh manusia terbentuk atas kerjasama proses-proses ilmiah, aksi-reaksi sel terkecil hingga memberi efek nyata yang terlihat hingga keluar tubuh. Apa yang terjadi ketika kita berdiri? Apa yang sebenarnya bekerja terjadi ketika kita menguap? Apa yang kita rasakan ketika bingung? Ternyata jika kita masih berpikir: "Aku sendirian", maka ingatlah, diri kita bukan hanya tentang kita. Ia adalah satu kesatuan kerjasama sel yang sangat kompleks. Pernah terbayang betapa kompleksnya?

Hal ini yang menjadi bahan perenungan saya. Jika emosi kita dikomunikasikan melalui beragam proses ilmiah, tentu sebenarnya kita tidak boleh egois berbuat sesuka hati atas diri kita sendiri. Tubuh saya bukan hanya milik saya. Maka dalam pidato 2 tercantum beragam kalimat:

"Aku lidahku, Aku cuping hidung kiriku, Aku tuberositas isikalku, Aku ventrikal kananku, Aku proses tulang xifoidku."

Setelah itu saya malah berpikir: Jadi sebenarnya saya siapa? Saya sebenarnya berupa apa? Apa yang menjadikan saya sebagai 'saya'? Apa seharusnya saya tidak berhak menggunakan kata 'saya' melainkan 'kita'?

Lalu saya berputar-putar berpikir: Bagaimana sebaiknya saya memperlakukan diri saya? Lalu tiba-tiba saya kembali ke pemahaman dasar. Mungkin jawaban ini klise, sudah diketahui khalayak, tapi kurang diresapi: Tubuh ini hanya titipan. Semuanya. Jagalah ia baik-baik. Pergunakan dengan tujuan baik pula. Dituntun dengan pikiran yang baik. Isi tubuh ini dengan ruhiyah yang sehat.

Garry Stewart sukses membuat saya menikmati pertunjukkan tari lengkap dengan beragam pesan kompleksnya. Dengan penjelasan paling lengkap yang dicetak di booklet, pertunjukkan ini memang paling sip.

Satu paragraf dari bagian pidatonya yang saya suka juga, mungkin merupakan kesimpulan tersendiri dari Garry Stewart:

"Tubuh manusia dan persepsinya adalah cara kau berinteraksi dan memahami eksistensi. Lewat dan dengan tubuhmulah kau meraih dunia dan terlibat di dalamnya. Kau memahami dunia dengan ekseluruhan dirimu dan dunia memahamimu melalui keseluruhan dirinya. Kau bergerak melalui semesta obyek dan peristiwa yang tidak mandiri, tetapi kau dapat mengatur mereka ke dalam jaringan padat keterhubungan untuk menetapkan makna kekosongan."

Ini cuplikan pertunjukkannya~

sumber: Booklet ADT by Salihara,, diterjemahkan oleh Ariyantri E Tarman

Monday, September 29, 2014


Tidak butuh alasan apapun untuk bisa menangis kan?

Menangis kan bisa melembutkan hati~

#lagicengeng #blameonpms 

ps: seriously, I don't know what happened to me.
This tears are always come out without my permission :")

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dancing with Ziya Azazi

(sorry for all of grammar mistakes :P i'm still learning~)

I almost spent 1 month volunteering at Salihara and there's a lot of interesting already happened~
Maybe next time I will make review for each performance (if I watch all of them)~  I know it's too premature to said that i got many things, but I try to tell you each of my interesting stories~

Sooo last thursday night I joined the dance workshop class with Ziya Azazi, Austrian who born at Turkey. He is a darvish dancer, but contemporary one. This workshop change my perspective about dancing. At first, he was talking much about concept of the dance, which is maybe boring for some people (but not for me hhee).

Actually what he said before we do some exercise is we have to believe that our body can do many, many things beyond our expectation. Our body maybe have certain size (and it's mini for me) but just believe, our body can expand its volume. Just let out the stress, breath in an out, make more gasoline for our body, and make our body feel free. What I really like about his speech, he said this dance is just the same activity like diving or falling from the height. Maybe at first we afraid, surprised, but later we have to take it, believe that our body will expand the limit. So actually he not just said this only for dancing. He said this as life lessons. Maybe sometimes we just afraid doing something new but just believe, believe ourself so we can expand our limit.

The first session is introduction. I kinda surprise that he take time to know each participant. Even he remember the name almost all of us (there are 16 person who joined). Despite of his amazing talent, he is very humble and sweet.

The second session is know the limit of the body. It's similar to small exercise but he taught us to do the darvish way. A lot of free style, awareness exercise, differentiate the body parts, etc. I think this is the most tiring session. At first it just like yoga but later we did some of contemporary dance. If you get to watch the video, you will know how crazy we move.

Aand this is the most awaiting part. We did the spinning~ wohooo~~
But wait, for some people this is the hell part.
Many of participant just falling after 5 minutes spinning. Many of us throw up later.
What I felt when i was spinning is I just take it as riding jet coaster. Maybe dizzy at first, we scream, afraid, but later I take it as a pleasure moment. When I was a child, I did many of spinning game with my sister. Maybe that's the reason I can stay spinning when all of the participant just give up. Many of my childhood memories came up and that is why I'm in my happiest moment at that time.

Because I'm the only participant who did the longest spin, Ziya always mention my name. I'm kinda surprise that he said, "You spinning beautifully, just beautiful. Thank you". Heheee maybe I was the only one who wore my clock skirt so they find it's beautiful.
You know what? The next day this workshop being a hot topic among Penduduk Salihara. So when I just enter the office, sound of "cieee~ cieee~" are all around me hhee..

So the next day is Ziya's performance. It was really greeeaaat~ He just like the Prince of Persia (I think all of arabic man are handsome) who spin like bloom flower~ Just youtube the Darvish in Progress, you will find the world class performance. Even I find its hard to describe, you have to watch it, in front of your own eyes.

So usually after the performance, Salihara hold the small party for each performer. I kinda surprise that Ziya just share his bouquette of flower to everyone he know at the party. Very sweet, indeed. He remember all of the name, he called it one by one, and the reason why he gave the flower. I'm one of the people he called. And for more surprise, he gave me more flowers than the other. He hold me and tell everyone at the party that I'm the one who did the longest spin with him.

Thankyouuuu Ziya~ maybe next time we will dance together in another part of the world~
Oh I hope I can send him postcard~

PS: This is my first time got flower from a man~ hhaa~
(Just ignore my tired face -__-")

for more of his works you can go to his website

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cute Camera Bag

This is my own product, handmade Cute Camera Bag~~
You can pre-order, I'm open for customize design~
Just email me /
or contact me @ 085718114477
or mention my twitter @ameadelia


Let's Picnic!

Finally, I make my own video~ I really wanna remake videos for music I like~~
Actually, this is the most random activity we ever made. We go on picnic at weekday, we prepare the best we can eventhough it's just a spontaneous idea. But I really like the result, Finally I make this kind of cute video~ I will make another later~

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